Way Clear For AMC Election, Supreme Court rejects petition

A petition challenging the new prabhag formation of wards for AMC Election was heard today in supreme court. After Detailed hearing, Supreme Court disposes SLP challenging rough draft of prabhags. SC directed to state election commission to maintain strict confidentiality over the election process. 

What was petition

It so happened that a large number of objections were filed over the AMC's rough draft on prabhags. The committee headed by the sugar commissioner Saurabh Rao conducted a hearing upon them. Later on, the State Election Commissioner published the final draft of prabhags (formed through delimitation of wards) and the list of socially reserved wards/prabhags. The action was challenged by Sameer Rajurkar, Anil Vidhate, Kishore Tulsibaughwale, Nandu Gaoli and Ganesh Dixit in the Aurangabad Bench of Bombay High Court. The bench rejected their plea, therefore, they all filed SLP in the Supreme Court.

Concern of citizens

The petitioners pinpointed there was a breach of secrecy while preparing the rough draft of prabhags. They claimed that the delimitation of wards was done under the influence to provide convenience to the political leaders. Instead of

following SEC guidelines, the AMC officers reserved and unreserved the prabhags/wards as per the convenience. Moreover, the sugar commissioner conducted the hearings on objections, but the action and decision were taken by the SEC, etc.

Elections to be held soon

Former group leader (AMC) said," I welcomed the Supreme Court's decision. There is an administrator on AMC for the last 22 months. The AMC elections should be held as early as possible."
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