Two Minor boys booked for raping a four year old girl

In a shocking incident, two minor boys raped a four year old girl on the terrace of the house by luring her to give eatables in Bajajnagar two days back. A case against a 13-year-old and 10-year-old boy have been registered in the Waluj MIDC police station based on the complaint lodged by the mother of the victim.

 Father of the victim from Bajajnagar works as a driver and the mother as a housewife. Two days back, two boys of the locality gave a packet of Kurkure to the four year old victim and raped her by taking her on the terrace of the house.

 Afraid of the sudden incident, the girl went crying to her mother but could not tell her mother. After some time, her mother took her into confidence and asked her what had happened. However, her parents did not approach the police even after knowing the incident. They took her to a private hospital. When the doctor came to know that the child has been sexually abused, he advised the parents to lodge a complaint.

 The next day, they told about the incident to a social activist Manisha Solunke. She took them and the victim to Waluj MIDC police station. Considering the severity, DCP Ujwalla Vankar, ACP Vivek Saraf and PI Sandeep Gurme personally inquired about the victim and her parents.

 A case has been registered against two boys on the complaint lodged by the victim’s mother. API M R Ghunawat is further invesigating the case.
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