Schedule of the exams
Written test for class X will be held from March 15 to April 4. Practical and oral examinations will be held from February 25 to March 14.
The written examination for Class XII will be held from March 4 to March 30 and the practical, oral and grade subjects will be held from February 14 to March 3 as per the schedule.
Over 1.79 L students have filled online applications for the 10th examination and 1.64 L students for the 12th examination. Regarding the examination, a meeting was held between the state board and the divisional board officials through video conferencing. In this meeting, it was decided to conduct the examination on a regular basis (written-offline) based on 75 per cent syllabus as per the schedule.
The finalization of 99 per cent centers has been completed. The board is preparing for the written test, though a further decision on the status of the corona is expected by the time the exam is two months away.