Restrictions Tightened up amid Omicron Threat

Aurangabad : As The government has instructed the district admins to impos restrictions amid Omicron variant threat. District Admin has tightened the restrictions in Aurangabad and new guidelines will in be force from 30 November. 

It is strictly compulsory for everyone to be fully vaccinated (both doses) and following the Covid protocols. those who travel without masks will be fined. Whose date for second has arrived, they must go and take second dose.

New Restrictions & guidelines :
🟢 Only 50% of the total capacity allowed in any event taking place in cinema hall, & marriage halls. 
🟢 Open space programmes will only be allowed with 25 per cent of its capacity.
🟢 Programme more than 1,000 citizens can not hold without supervision of DMA. 
🟢 Use of proper mask, Handkerchiefs will not be considered masks. Penalties will be charged for using handkerchiefs. 
🟢 500 fine for not wearing maksk
🟢 state government's order to impose a fine of Rs 10,000 on a trader if a customer is found not completed the vaccination.
🟢 Strictly following all the Covid norms and SOPs

District Collector has instructed the Airport Authority on Monday (29th) to inform the passengers who have come to the city from abroad in the last 20 days by air. 

Chavan said - "the government has suggested emphasizing vaccinations, including masks and safe distances. Those whose sec-ond dose has expired after the first dose are being called for vaccination. Also,The government has instructed to fill additional staff and order testing kits."

The citizens should inform the control room (telephone 0240-2331077) and the corona war room of the corporation (telephone 8956306007). 
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