Prisoners escaped from Quarantine Center by breaking windows

Two to three prisoners escaped after breaking the mirror glass of the Qile Ark Quarantine Center. According to details, 29 inmates of Hersol prison have been infected with Corona. In this case, Jail Superintendent Heera Lal had questioned the report and said that the prisoners should be examined twice. Corona-infected patients were being treated at the Quarantine Center in Qile Ark, where two to three inmates late at night broke windows of the Quarantine Center's bathroom and escaped. 

Prisoners fled towards Hamat Bagh

The prisoners were fled towards Hamat Bagh and the police were searching for them on a war footing. No further details on the case were released until late at night, but it will be summarized that two to three prisoners have fled the Fort Ark quarantine center by breaking the bathroom glasses.

29 inmates in Harsul Jail were reported infected of coronavirus on Saturday

In all, 29 inmates in Harsul Jail were reported infected of coronavirus on Saturday. All these prisoners have been kept at the Aurangabad Municipal Corporation Covid Care Centre at Kile Ark under strict police bandobast.

Considering the increased spread of Covid-19, the Harsul Jail administration had imposed lockdown in the jail from March 16. The new prisoners com ng to the jail were kept in the separate barracks established in the jail premises. A few days back, a new prisoner was found infected with coronavirus.

The 110 prisoners, officers and employees of the jail who came in his contact were screened and their reports were received on Saturday, Out of 110 prisoners, 29 were found positive. All these prisoners are from the bar racks. Prisoners are given entry in the jail only when their swab reports test negative. Still, coronavirus has entered the jail now. All the 29 prisoners do not have any severe symptoms and are not facing any problem.

The food stuff for the prisoners is brought from out side and this might be the reason for infection. Still, it is difficult to say how these prisoners were infected.
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