2.26 crore fine received during Lockdown

⏺️2.7 lakh fined in one day
⏺️834 vehicle owne cracked down by police
⏺️2.26 crore fine received during Lockdown
⏺️67,784 cases has been registered
⏺️ Citizens ignore CP warning

The warning of impounding vehicles and taking stringent legal actions given by the commissioner of police (CP) was bluntly thrown into the air by errant citizens and proved devoid of substance when thousands of citizens chose to use their vehicles and ran them on the city roads for shopping essential commodities even though in close proximity in their houses.

Every colony has shops selling essentials com modities and the citizens are stepping out for shop ping the goods of daily needs. This increases the possibility of the spread of the infection. Keeping this danger in mind, CP Prasad had appealed to the citizens to buy essential items from the shops near their homes and avoid using vehicles. He also had warned that the vehicles of the offenders to be impounded. Nevertheless, thousands of motorists were seen wandering around the city on motor bikes on Thursday, ignoring the warning.
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